My Portfolio

Below is the dashboard that I have developed to monitor the metrics for my portfolio and watchlist stocks. There are many pages in the dashboard, so click on the page number or arrows at the very bottom of the dashboard to view each page.  

My portfolio and watchlist largely consists of quality global businesses which tend to have high ROIC, moderate to high growth and relatively low debt. It is possible to filter the watchlist in the ‘Watchlist – Filter’ page based on the economic moat, founder / family led status and market position of the business. I am particularly interested in quality businesses which have a durable economic moat, are founder / family led and operate in a monopoly or oligopoly. These types of businesses have been shown to outperform the market in the long-run.

Since inception in June 2022, my portfolio has returned 35.6% p.a. relative the MSCI All Country World Index of 19.2% p.a. (as at August 2024). 

Contact me if you think this type of dashboard is useful to manage your own portfolio.  I am interested in your feedback!

If you need a refresher on any of the financial metrics used in the dashboard, our Stock Investing Glossary is just a click away.

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